Care-giving can get overwhelming. We often focus on all the things we need to do for self-care but ignore the common negative emotions we experience.
Take Heart Tuesday I share a negative emotion and a strategy to overcome it.

Care-giving can get overwhelming. We often focus on all the things we need to do for self-care but ignore the common negative emotions we experience.
Take Heart Tuesday I share a negative emotion and
a strategy to overcome it.

Guilt~ the feeling we have when we do something wrong. It can come in many forms as a caregiver: not doing enough, wanting the season to be over, not loving your loved one enough, or being impatient with them. Guilt can even overwhelm you when you get some time to yourself.
Coping: You are not perfect, no one is. You are doing the best you can. Learn to silence the “shoulds” you know “No one will do as good of a job as I do, so I should be here all the time.” Or “I should be able to do all the things.” Consider changing guilt into regret, “I’m in a difficult situation and I have to make difficult decisions sometimes.” “I am dong the best I can even though things go wrong from time to time and I regret that I am not perfect.”
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