Review by Rayna: Necessary Endings

Necessary Endings:  The employees, businesses, and relationships that all of us have to give up in order to move forward   From the subtitle you can tell that this book addresses both business and personal relationships.  Though it has many business examples and...

Review by Rayna: Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

Sara is an eloquent wordsmith who invites you into her life and journey of faith.  She lays her heart out for us to see and helps us to be willing to look at things in our own heart to find the truth of God and His love. I loved how she so openly shared the growth and...

Review by Rayna: For the Love

<a href=”” rel=”attachment wp-att-1836″><img class=” wp-image-1836 alignleft”...

Reviews by Rayna: Nourished

<h2>       <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”> Nourished</span> is a great read, better than that it is a great tool to help you examine your life.<img class=” size-full wp-image-1089 alignright”...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring