A Faith-Centered Perspective of Caregiving: Stories of Hope with Lizette Cloete

A Faith-Centered Perspective of Caregiving: Stories of Hope with Lizette Cloete

In this episode of ‘A Season of Caring Podcast’, host Rayna Neises interviews Lizette Cloete, a veteran occupational therapist turned Christian dementia coach. Lizette shares her personal and professional journey in caregiving for her parents with dementia, emphasizing the importance of blending biblical principles with scientific solutions. She underscores the role of mindset in caregiving, recounts personal anecdotes, and highlights the significance of gratitude and faith in enduring the caregiving season gracefully. Lizette also offers insights into her coaching approach and resources for dementia caregivers.

Caregiver Tool: Gratitude

Caregiver Tool: Gratitude

Hope for living, loving, and caring with no regrets! Episode 126 Rayna Neises, ACC, host, reflects on her interview from last week with Heather Carter (Episode 125). Heather is a cancer survivor and she shared tips from her season of being cared for. She reminded us...
Gratitude Impacts Your Caring Season

Gratitude Impacts Your Caring Season

What does gratitude have to do with caring for an aging parent? That is a great question.   The journey of caring is full of ups and downs and can often last much longer than we expect. Gratitude can have a significant impact on your journey. The practice of gratitude...
Want more happiness?  Try Gratitude

Want more happiness? Try Gratitude

You have got to be kidding me. How in the world did he get mud all over the carpet?   I had planned ahead and had him take his shoes off while I ran upstairs to get another pair.  Really, he can find the dirty shoes and put them back on before I make it back down...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring