Reaching Up for Comfort in Your Time of Caring

Reaching Up for Comfort in Your Time of Caring

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 12 Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host, interviews Karen Weaver, PCC coach, author and caregiver.  During their discussion, Karen shares about her 25+ years of being a caregiver: Faith is extremely...
Learning Throughout A Caring Season

Learning Throughout A Caring Season

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 8 Host, Rayna Neises, visits with Deb Kelsey-Davis the cofounder of Nourish for Caregivers and  Deb has spent her whole life as a caregiver in different forms.  She shares her experiences and...
Saying Goodbye to My Daddy

Saying Goodbye to My Daddy

Saying Goodbye to My Daddy   I had been praying for over a year now that when it was time for Dad to say Good-bye I would be able to stop fighting for him and let him go.   I’m a fighter you know, I have always been that way, I’m convinced God made me that...

Review by Rayna: Find Rest

Find Rest:  A women’s devotional for lasting peace in a busy life   Find Rest is a beautiful devotional written by one of my favorite authors, Shaunti Feldhahn.  This is a departure from her typical books. Shaunti is a social researcher who has found the...

Review by Rayna: Daring to Hope

Daring to Hope: Finding God’s Goodness in the Broken and Beautiful is an amazing and encouraging read.  I was so blessed by Katie Majors’ amazing commitment and obedience to the Lord.   As a teenager, Katie went on a mission trip to Uganda which...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring