Encore Episode- Reaching Up for Comfort
Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 47 Encore Episode: #1 listened to podcast in 2020. Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host, interviews Karen Weaver, PCC coach, author, and caregiver. Karen will also become A Season of Caring Podcast...
Mindfulness and Self Care: Must Haves During a Caregiving Journey
Rayna Neises, your host, interviews Nancy Bouwens. Nancy is a writer, life coach, cancer survivor, and caregiver. Nancy and her husband moved in with her aging mother and shares insights regarding her caregiving experience,

A Caregiver’s Faith
Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 20 Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host, interviews Bosede Santos. Bosede cared for her mom during her mom’s journey with cancer. She shares how her faith impacted her caring season. It is a...