She Believes

She Believes challenges us to understand that what we believe affects every area of our lives. She Believes is full of the most basic things of our faith and what God says about them. Debbie does a great job of breaking down the things of faith into everyday life....

Review by Rayna: Wait and See

I don’t know about you but I don’t love to wait.  In fact, I’m not sure I know anyone who loves to wait. So I guess this means this book must be just what everyone needs.  The subtitle sums it up, Finding Peace in God’s Pauses and Plans. Wendy...

Review by Rayna: Audacious

Audacious is Beth Moore’s life mission.  It is a passionate call to love the Lord as He asks us to and as He requires us to. Beth defines audacious as: intrepidly daring, adventurous, bold, marked by originality and verve. At times to be honest even this...

Review by Rayna: When God Doesn’t Fix It

<h1><strong>Review by Rayna:  <u>When God Doesn’t Fix It:  Lessons You Never Wanted to Learn, Truths You Can’t Live Without</u></strong> Most of us know Laura Story from her beautiful songs.  What I love most about her songs is the...

Review by Rayna: Every Bitter Thing is Sweet

Sara is an eloquent wordsmith who invites you into her life and journey of faith.  She lays her heart out for us to see and helps us to be willing to look at things in our own heart to find the truth of God and His love. I loved how she so openly shared the growth and...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring