Review by Rayna: For the Love

<a href=”” rel=”attachment wp-att-1836″><img class=” wp-image-1836 alignleft”...

Are You Living With Regret?

Are You Living With Regret? When you see the word regret what comes to your mind and heart?  Regret by definition is a sadness related to something that was done. But that is not what many people stated in this recent study. As you watched this, what regrets came to...

40 Days of Decrease

It’s not often that I hear the word decrease and think, yep that is what I want (unless of course it is regarding my weight.)  Decrease, lessen, reduce, drop, diminish, decline or dwindle all are words that I do not associate with goals I have for myself, my income or...

Reviews by Rayna: Nourished

<h2>       <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”> Nourished</span> is a great read, better than that it is a great tool to help you examine your life.<img class=” size-full wp-image-1089 alignright”...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring