Loving Beyond I Imagined I Could

Loving Beyond I Imagined I Could

Loving Beyond Have you had the experience of going way beyond what you imagined you could? When I was in High School I played Volleyball? and I will never forget the workouts. My Freshman year I was sure I would die. No joke. We ran, threw up and ran some more.  I...

Caregiver, You are an Advocate

The word advocate brings up different feelings in different people.  I seem to have deeply inborn need to stand up to injustice, especially for those who have no voice of their own.  My sister, on the other hand, is drawn with compassion to the person hurting. The two...
Caregiving During the Holidays

Caregiving During the Holidays

Holidays can be crazy and emotional anytime but when you are in a caring season it can mean change as well. Being a family caregiver during the holidays might mean long time traditions have to change.  As both my parents Alzheimer’s disease progressed, we found they...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring