Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 23 Rayna Neises, ACC, host, and Aly Neises, RN, cohost, recap Michele Howe’s story and explore some of the stories from her book Caring for Our Aging Parents. Don’t be a hero, find your limits and...
Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 19 Rayna Neises, ACC, host, and Aly Neises, RN, cohost, explore the emotions of caregiving, focusing on grief in response to Laura Beth DeHority’s episode #18. Processing emotions is crucial Grief...
Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 17 Rayna Neises, ACC, host, and Aly Neises, RN, is exploring more about child caregivers and boundaries in caregiving in response to my interview with Deborah Harlow. There are 1.3 to 1.4 MILLION child...
Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 12 Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host, interviews Karen Weaver, PCC coach, author and caregiver. During their discussion, Karen shares about her 25+ years of being a caregiver: Faith is extremely...
Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 7 Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host interviews Kathy Adkins, who supports families caring for a loved one with dementia. In this interview Kathy shares what you might need to know about: The...