Speaking up
for you and your parent to
be seen, not forgotten
and cared for, not neglected.
I understand the joys and challenges that come from a season of caring. I helped care for both of her parents during their separate battles with Alzheimer’s over a thirty-year span. I am able to look back on those days now with no regrets – and wish the same for everyone caring for aging parents.
To help others through this challenging season of life, I wrote No Regrets: Hope for Your Caregiving Season, a book filled with my heart-warming stories and practical suggestions for journeying through a caregiving season.
I am an ICF Associate Certified Coach with certifications in both Life and Leadership Coaching from the Professional Christian Coaching Institute.

I would love to speak at your next event. Contact me to discuss what presentations best fit your needs.
Let’s Talk!
take heart
Signature Talks
Talks for Faith-based Groups
Making Room to Breathe, Even When Everyone Needs You
The hurry and scurry of life isn’t going anywhere. What will it take for you to take a deep breath and find that you are enough?
When you attend this talk, you will:
- Learn to sit in whom God made you to be
- Gain clarity on your duties and responsibilities
- Understand how to intentionally engage in what matters most
You can catch your breath and experience peaceful contentment, even in the busiest phases of your life.
Living a No Regrets Life- Moving from torn to pieces to experiencing peace
Are you feeling stretched so thin, you fear you might break?
If you are like most women, everyone wants something from you. If you are not careful, when being pulled in so many different directions, you might just get torn apart.
In this session, you will:
- Understand exactly how overwhelm shows up in your life
- Learn to say yes to the right things (and how to say no lovingly to the wrong things)
- Gain a new perspective on your current situation, so you can find peace even if nothing changes
There is hope for living with no regrets. Let’s move towards peace together.
Love Conquers All: Discover how love can fuel the life you want to live
Love is patient, love is kind…. you know Paul’s words describing love but how do you live out love in your life?
After attending this talk you will know how leaning into love can empower you to:
- Grow your faith and relationship with the Lord
- Strengthen your relationship with your family
- Deepen your understanding of self-care
You will walk away understanding how leaning into love will help you to conquer resentment and regret.
Talks for All Audiences
It Can Feel Like Just Too Much: 3 Resilience Tools to Strengthen Your Wellbing
Things are changing quickly in the world today. There is more demand for employees now than before: from their budgets being stretched to illnesses in the family. Resilience is the key to handling the stressors of life and still being productive at work.
I share 3 Tools to help you strengthen your resilience which impact all areas of life. By sharing heart-warming stories with practical takeaways, your audience will find this presentation one to remember.
When You Care so Much it Hurts~ Avoiding Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue is real, whether you are in a serving profession, a parent, a family caregiver, or just wired to nurture and care for others.
What you do is important and when you reach the point of an empty tank you will find challenges everywhere you look, exhaustion, and frustration at work and at home.
As an expert coach for professional women in a season of caring for aging parents, I share 3 things that can help you keep compassion fatigue at bay or refresh you to continue caring today. By sharing heart-warming stories with practical takeaways, your audience will find this presentation one to remember.
What people are saying…..
Rayna has a passion for helping caregivers. Because of her own experiences with both her mother and father, she can relate to most caregiver issues.
Although she is quite knowledgeable, it is her compassion that makes this a wonderful workshop!
Her presentations are organized, informative and well-researched, delivered with gentle, heartfelt respect for all those in attendance.
Rayna has not had an easy life. Her lived experiences give credibility to her ministry. She has a heart for Jesus and the love she has for and from him she lavishes on all she ministers to.
I highly recommend you experience one of her workshops to hear her stories and feel for yourself the tender loving care she gives to all who need her help.
Rayna never fails to impress! Her enthusiasm and passion for caregivers is remarkable. Rayna shares her own personal experiences and expertise to better help others, providing spiritual and practical assistance. If you get a chance to hear Rayna speak – take it!
You’ll be encouraged and challenged, and be all the better for the encounter with her!
Listen to some of Rayna’s workshops, presentations, and media appearances
Wisdom Series with Nourish for Caregivers
Hope for Your Caregiving Season~ 3 Rs to Hold on to Hope
Wisdom Series with Nourish for Caregivers
Wish I May, I Wish I Might Have All the Time to Do It Right: The Surprising Method of Managing Your To-Do List
A Wealthy Life for Her with Tresa Leftenant
Podcast~The Gifts of Caring for an Aging Loved One
Caring for an Aging Parent with Rayna Neises
Podcast~ This is Woman’s Work with Nicole Kalil
Contact Rayna