“Most elderly people see numerous doctors, have a calendar full of medical appointments, and have such a large stack of prescriptions and instructions that even a mindful caregiver can’t keep track of them.” Virginia Morris Have you become a medical...
Don’t Give Up Your Relationships just because you are caring for an aging parent Caregiving is a demanding job for sure, but you don’t have to give up everything just to be a person who honors, loves and cares for a family member. Take some time to consider the...
Which of the 4 are You? Often times becoming a caregiver sneaks up on us. It’s not a job we apply for or one we even get paid for. But all will agree it is a very important one. Interestingly enough, most daughters in a season of caring I meet don’t even...
The word advocate brings up different feelings in different people. I seem to have deeply inborn need to stand up to injustice, especially for those who have no voice of their own. My sister, on the other hand, is drawn with compassion to the person hurting. The two...
Holidays can be crazy and emotional anytime but when you are in a caring season it can mean change as well. Being a family caregiver during the holidays might mean long time traditions have to change. As both my parents Alzheimer’s disease progressed, we found they...
How to Settle In During a Hard Transition… According to Bella Just 4 months ago Bella joined our Neises pack. Bella is an 8-year-old pug. I am a pug lover and had been looking for a female black pug to adopt for a couple of years. Life had gotten too busy for...