Tips to Care for You and Them All the Way to the End

Tips to Care for You and Them All the Way to the End

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 13    Rayna Neises, ACC, host, and Aly Neises, RN, cohost, dig dipper into the interview with Karen Weaver.  Sharing more tips on caring for you and them all the way to the end. Provide care with...
Reaching Up for Comfort in Your Time of Caring

Reaching Up for Comfort in Your Time of Caring

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 12 Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host, interviews Karen Weaver, PCC coach, author and caregiver.  During their discussion, Karen shares about her 25+ years of being a caregiver: Faith is extremely...
Resources for Alzheimer’s Families

Resources for Alzheimer’s Families

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 11   Rayna Neises, ACC and Aly Neises, RN, explore different avenues of support for Alzheimer’s families and other caregivers.  There are many opportunities for support in a variety of different...
Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

Caring for a Loved One with Dementia

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 7 Rayna Neises, A Season of Caring Podcast Host interviews Kathy Adkins, who supports families caring for a loved one with dementia.  In this interview Kathy shares what you might need to know about: The...
Use Your Caregiver Tool Box to Find a New Normal

Use Your Caregiver Tool Box to Find a New Normal

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 9  Rayna Neises, Host and Aly Neises, CoHost continue the conversation around what Deb Kelsey-Davis shared about taking what you have learned in past caring to adjust to the unique season of Coronavirus. Use...
Learning Throughout A Caring Season

Learning Throughout A Caring Season

Hope for living, loving and caring with no regrets! Episode 8 Host, Rayna Neises, visits with Deb Kelsey-Davis the cofounder of Nourish for Caregivers and  Deb has spent her whole life as a caregiver in different forms.  She shares her experiences and...
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring