Blog~Encouragement for Caring
As we step into the New Year, the air is thick with resolutions. Everywhere we turn, we’re encouraged to make lists of goals, to strive for improvement, to set our sights on transformation. But in the midst of this season of change, I propose we take a different...
Blog~Encouragement for Caring
“My caregiver mantra is to remember: the only control you have is over the changes you choose to make.” – Nancy L. Kriseman Caring for a parent is not an easy road to travel, but it’s certainly worth every step. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life...
Blog~Encouragement for Caring
Grief is an odd process. Just when you think you have a handle on things BAM! It comes back to hit you full force – often from out of nowhere. Miniscule things, like smells and memories, can trigger fresh waves of grief, leaving you reeling and wondering if things...
Blog~Encouragement for Caring
With people living longer than ever before, more and more individuals find themselves sandwiched between caring for their children and caring for their aging parents. Coping with our fast-paced, always-connected world is stressful enough, but when you add...
Blog~Encouragement for Caring
Our life is full of seasons and how we feel about our Mom can change a lot during our lifetime. Do you remember the season when your mom’s kiss held special healing powers? How about those teenage years when you were sure there was just so much about life she...
Blog~Encouragement for Caring
The New Year has arrived! Which means it’s the season of New Year’s Resolutions! If you are like me, then it feels like there is no way you can even think about doing one more thing right now? During my caring season of my dad, I had so much on my plate...