Review by Rayna: No More Faking Fine

No More Faking Fine:  Ending the Pretending The title itself is one we all relate to I think.  We have all faked it during seasons of life and frankly I’m not sure there is any other way to make it  in public and on the job but the one time we NEVER have to fake it is...

Review by Rayna: Choose to THRIVE

Choose to THRIVE is a challenging book written for high-achieving women.  Debbie’s style of direct and to the point communication style is refreshing.  She openly shares her challenges and life experience in order to encourage her reader to address her own...

Review by Rayna: The Kindness Challenge

The Kindness Challenge:  30 Days to Improve Any Relationship   I am a big fan of Shaunti Feldhahn’s books.  I love the way research helps us understand ourselves and others better.  The Kindness Challenge is no different! One of the most interesting facts...

Review by Rayna: Looking for Lovely

Looking for Lovely:Collecting the Moments that Matter Annie F.  Downs is another of those authors who shares the true nitty gritty of her life. She lays it all out in this latest book.  Though a popular author she found herself in a place she calls her broken crazy. ...

She Believes

She Believes challenges us to understand that what we believe affects every area of our lives. She Believes is full of the most basic things of our faith and what God says about them. Debbie does a great job of breaking down the things of faith into everyday life....
Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring