Anyone who has ever been in a relationship has had to deal with financial concerns, whether that relationship was with a spouse, partner, parent, roommate or friend. However, talking about money can bring up uncomfortable feelings, especially when we have assumptions about who “should” pay for what.

The number one key to discussing money concerns with loved ones is to create an ongoing, open and honest communication about it. However, many people choose not to talk about money at all, or they assume it’s already being taken care of, or they’ll talk about it only under dire circumstances when it is already too late.

So how do we broach the subject without getting into confrontations or creating hard feelings? 

Here are some pointers that can help:

  • Be clear. From the beginning, determine who has financial responsibility for what. If you haven’t had a discussion about this yet, it’s time to broach the subject. You can start the process by trying to uncover any assumptions that each of you has made. That way you can truly understand what the other person feels and thinks.
  • Be sensitive. Not everyone is comfortable discussing money concerns, so be open, as clear and honest as you can, and most of all, patient.
  • Listen and be heard. This in itself is an art, so take the time to formulate your ideas in advance and really listen to your loved one’s concerns.


  • Be prepared to negotiate. Don’t assume you’ll get everything your way. Stand up for what you really need and negotiate the rest.
  • Be flexible. There is no right or wrong; however, if one person remains rigid and won’t consider the other’s thoughts or opinions, nothing will get accomplished.


  • Set goals. Each person should have a say in what those goals should be, and then as a team, you can work to achieve them. Set up a vision board or tape your combined goals on the refrigerator. As the saying goes: “You have to have a dream in order to make a dream come true.”
  • Be creative. Come up with interesting, out-of-the box solutions for achieving financial goals, and strive to make your conversations about money productive and, even, enjoyable.


  • Know when to get help. When all else fails, call in a professional, such as an accountant, financial advisor or counselor.
  • Finally, don’t expect everything to be worked out in one session. The good news is that once you’ve had one successful conversation about financial responsibilities, your next discussion will be much easier.  Build on that, and then keep talking!

Let discussing money become part of your ongoing communication with your loved one.

How to talk to your loved one about money

Download Your Checklist of Pointers to Talking with Your Loved One About Money


Rayna NeisesRayna Neises understands the joys and challenges that come from a season of caring. She helped care for both of her parents during their separate battles with Alzheimer’s over a thirty-year span. She is able to look back on those days now with no regrets – and she wishes the same for every woman caring for aging parents.

To help others through this challenging season of life, Rayna has written No Regrets: Hope for Your Caregiving Season, a book filled with her own heart-warming stories and practical suggestions for journeying through a caregiving season. Rayna is an ICF Associate Certified Coach with certifications in both Life and Leadership Coaching from the Professional Christian Coaching Institute.

She is prepared to help you through your own season of caring. Learn more at and connect with Rayna on FacebookLinkedIn, and Instagram.

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