Take Heart Tuesday I share a negative emotion and a strategy to overcome it.

Take Heart Tuesday I share a negative emotion and
a strategy to overcome it.

It is easy to become bored when you are stuck at home due to t the limitations of your parent, caring for them and not doing things that fulfill your own wants and needs.
You can find yourself too exhausted to do things you enjoy after a long day of caring for a loved one.
Coping: Find ways to do things you enjoy while caring for your parent. Craft while they nap. Crochet while they watch TV. Take a break, get out of the house. Getting away and having some time for yourself will not only increase your patience and resilience but will give you a chance to do something that is meaningful to you, whether it is socializing, going for a walk, or reading a good book.
Content shared from https://www.caregiver.org/print/22983