Are you looking forward to 2019?
I started off 2018 with some of you focusing on what I wanted it to be in the Be Group! We took to time to really think about who we are and what we want to become by drafting our Personal Manifestos.
I choose to end my manifesto with the statement: I will find JOY Always!
At the time I was not sure exactly why JOY was my word for the year but I knew the Lord wanted me to focus on JOY.
Joy popped up in many places from a t-shirt that said "Choose Joy" in Washington DC while on the March for Life to a fun sign that lights up.
It wasn't too long before the weekend with Dad became very difficult. He was often not nice and I was having a hard time remembering to focus on the joy.
When I would bring it before the Lord He would whisper, focus on the joy! Both the struggle and joy are both present.
Throughout the first 6 months of the year, that truth was needed over and over again. After Dad's passing, it became even more important to my daily life.
What brings you joy? Here are just a few things I have focused on:- Owen & Novalee
- my clients
- Farmer
- my sister and her family
- Praise and Worship songs
- my church family
- my dogs
- Mexican food
- chocolate
- sleeping in
Life is filled with many joys even in the middle of the tough stuff.
I'm thankful that in 2018 I was able to find the joy!
Would you like to start out 2019 with more purpose and vision than any other year? You can.
Join me in the Be Peacefilled in 2019 Group.
We will be meeting on Thursdays @ 7pm CT for 5 weeks. By being a part of the group you will learn to:

Check out the details! I would love to have you be a part!