Does rest make it on your to-do list?
There are so many things to do just to keep our worlds spinning these days it can be difficult to remember what rest is much less to be intentional about pursuing it.
In the Past
Benjamin Franklin said, “He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities.” I would venture to say rest is not valued the same today as it once was.
The Importance of Rest is well known.
Research is showing us over and over again how important rest is to our lives. Healthier bodies, less stress, deeper relationships, the opportunity for reflection, balance, increased production and reserve for life’s emergencies are just some of the benefits Joshua Becker shared in an article, The Lost Practice of Resting One Day Each Week. https://www.becomingminimalist.com/resting/
If you were to put rest on your to-do list what would that look like to you?
When I asked my Facebook friends I got a variety of different answers, here are just a few…
Ways to embrace rest.
There are many resources to learn how to embrace rest in your life. Try breaking it down into manageable steps. You can think in seasons, Spring is here and Summer is on its way, how can you plan to embrace rest at the change of your routine. Find rest for your brain take up a new hobby, maybe even take a class to learn something new, find rest for your soul by going on a retreat, or find rest for your body by getting outside and enjoy the sun. Need a smaller step? Take a daybreak. Plan a day of rest. Focus on the areas of your life that need it most. Can’t fit in a full day? Set aside minutes here and there throughout the day. Find a way to keep the kids busy so you can enjoy a good book. Call a friend, enjoy a wonderful conversation or even a coffee date. Go to bed early, it might be just what your body needs.
Seek Rest in the Lord.
Finally, jump into the scriptures and see what God has to say about rest can give you great insight.
One of my favorite verses about rest isBefore
I love the thought of Jesus displacing worry in my life with peace.
This scripture has been true in my life over and over again. Whether it be walking through a divorce, buying a business and moving to a town where I knew no one, or marrying again even after a failed marriage the peace of Christ always drives out fear.