How to Settle In During a Hard Transition…
According to Bella
Just 4 months ago Bella joined our Neises pack. Bella is an 8-year-old pug. I am a pug lover and had been looking for a female black pug to adopt for a couple of years. Life had gotten too busy for her former family and they decided it was best for her to find a new home. R Farm was just the right retirement home for her.

Moving to a new home is a BIG transition for anyone, even a dog.
This transition has been a challenging one for Miss Bella. Since her move was something she couldn’t prepare for or even understand I think it was especially hard on her.
After Bella came home to live on the farm she became very frantic. The panic got even worse when she couldn’t see me.
It took over a month before she would even stay in a room when I walked out of it. It is hard to even describe how upset she became when I had to leave her.
Today she is doing much better. She loves to relax on the back of the couch and look out the window. She still sticks rather close, but she is even willing to go on short adventures around the farm.
I am still her favorite safe place, but trust is growing, and she seems to be embracing life as a Neises and all that entails.
As I sit in my prayer chair with Bella snuggled in my lap the Lord shared some special things with me about our relationship. He brought this verse to mind and then shared with me how life with Bella has shown me this verse in a very real way.
Joshua 1:9 says “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Making big transitions in life is so much easier when you know the Lord. When we make transitions, we can often be stressed by all the changes.
Like Bella, we can run around searching for anything that makes us feel safe. Make sure you run to Him. He is the only one who is always there, and He always knows what is going on in our lives.
Be strong and courageous.
Learning to stand strong in your faith and courageous in the midst of change is an important habit to develop.
Find your comfy couch….Learn to rest and relax in Him.
Just because we can’t see Him doesn’t mean He isn’t there providing and protecting us. Remember even in the difficult times we can rest in the confidence of His love. As Bella has learned to enjoy lap time with me and time alone on the couch we need both too.
Time just sitting with the Lord, listening to His loving words and singing praises to Him is a must to grow in faith and trust in Him. This faith and trust bring the courage to not be afraid even when we don’t understand what is happening in our lives.
Do not be afraid,
With fear behind you like Bella, it is ok to explore and to try new things. If everything you have known has changed then I know you aren’t feeling much like exploring, you are actually longing to settle into a new safe routine.
Try a mindset shift, it will help you embrace the change. Keeping in mind the Lord is everywhere. There is nothing to fear. These truths can help you make that shift so you can leave fear behind.
For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.
I love how the Lord helps me learn in the most personal ways. I hope you find the lessons Bella has helped me remember have blessed you as well.
I would really like to hear how you have experienced peace in the midst of change in your life. Please Share below.