This finding really struck me. Much is said about the good old days and one of the things I have noticed is that common courtesy seems to be a thing of the past. People don’t seem to do much of what they don’t feel like it.
This book challenges us to go back to this practice in very small ways. Think about focusing on the best in those around us. Think about how we can offer kindness each and everyday.
The Kindness Challenge was written after 10 years of challenging people to do 3 simple, as in not complex, items. The 3 things they were challenged to do were 1. Say nothing negative, either to your person or about them to someone else. 2. Every day, find one positive thing that you can sincerely praise or affirm about your person and tell them, and tell someone else. 3. Every day, do a small act of kindness or generosity for your person.
Sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? The research shows that there is amazing impact on our relationships when we are more kind.
Shaunti found that we are more unkind than we realize. Being unkind is much more acceptable in our world than being mean is. Unkindness can take on many different forms. I found the list of 7 negative habits we don’t even realize we have was very helpful. There is no doubt that practicing these 7 things can definitely make us more focused on the negatives in our lives. Do you do any of these 7? 1. The knee jerk reaction that things will be hard. 2. Exasperation, Irritation, & Pointing out mistakes 3. Sarcasm. 4. Grumble, Grumble. 5. You Hurt Me, I Hurt You. 6. Suspicion. 7. Catastrophizing. Some of these are habits I need to pay more attention to, others are not as hard for me.
I am joining the Kindness Challenge, will you join me?

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Take Heart Transitions Facebook page in sharing your experience on the 30 Day Kindness Challenge. There are lots of great resources available at
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