Are you in a Season of Caring


 Coaching with Rayna will help you find balance in caring for your aging parents while also having time for yourself without feeling guilty.

Caring for an aging parent?  Coaching with Rayna can help you care for them and you!

How are you doing?

Take a short quiz to find a quick answer to that question today!

A parent’s diminishing independence and increased need means your support is irreplaceable.


Juggling your career, family, and a parent’s care is overwhelming.  

a woman feeling frustrated

There is never enough time to do it all and you end up feeling guilty, not to mention stressed out.

Coaching with Rayna will help you manage your time and stress so you can enjoy your parents while succeeding at work and at home.

I have found myself juggling my family, my career and my dad’s needs.  

I was working and had a high schooler at home when my Dad reached a point of needing 24-hour care. Navigating the last 4.5 years of his life was one of the most difficult and rewarding seasons of my life.

As an experienced caregiver and certified coach, I welcome the opportunity to keep you encouraged and to be a resource for you as you learn how to provide support and walk with your parent through this season! 

Let’s talk about how getting the support you need caring for your aging parent will change your life.


Schedule a Call to Discuss How you Can Better Support Your Aging Parent

 Overwhelm stops our ability to see new possibilities.  Gain fresh perspective when you hear yourself and your heart reflected back to someone with experience.


Together We Will Explore Your Caregiving Options

Discover new options to find solutions you didn’t even know existed.  Determine your path with you and your parent in mind.  Receive support to make choices that reduces overwhelm and leads to no regrets.

Make a Plan for You to Provide Care to Your Parent While Still Caring for YOU

Gain clarity and develop a plan for this season of caring. Connect with resources that make a difference.  Give yourself peace of mind knowing you have put the hard work into planning for this season.

Feel Confident that You are Doing All You Can to Live a Regret-free Life

Be confident in your decisions when you have sifted through possibilities, discovered what’s best for each of you, and developed a clear plan.  Find peace in this your season of caring.

Schedule a Call to Discuss How you Can Better Support Your Aging Parent

 Overwhelm stops our ability to see new possibilities.  Gain fresh perspective when you hear yourself and your heart reflected back to someone with experience.

Together We Will Explore Your Caregiving Options

Discover new options to find solutions you didn’t even know existed.  Your journey is your own, you can create choices good for you and your parent.

Make a Plan for You to Provide Care to Your Parent While Still Caring for YOU

Gain clarity and develop a plan that will make a difference in this difficult season.  Give yourself peace of mind knowing you have put the hard work into planning for this season.

Feel Confident that You are Doing All You Can to Live a Regret-free Life.

It is possible to be confident in your decisions when you have sifted through possibilities, discovered what’s best for each of you, and developed a clear plan.  You can be at peace in this season of caring.

Regret-free Resources

HOpe for a Caring Heart Journal

Enjoy the time you have with your parent.


Imagine you and your parent

being seen, not forgotten

and cared for, not neglected.

Ways Rayna Can Help in Your Caregiving Season

woman on her computer during a support group meeting

Support Groups

Join a free support group that is facilitated weekly by Rayna through video conference in partnership with Nourish for Caregivers.

Gather with others who are in a Season of Caring to transparently share joys & struggles.  Find understanding, support and encouragement through faith and prayer as you journey together in this season.

Individual Coaching

Coaching brings support, hope and often a new perspective. Feeling stuck and overwhelmed? You will be able to process all that’s entailed in caring for an aging parent while juggling your career, family and self-care. Gaining a new perspective, discovering new options, and developing a plan can make all the difference.

Rayna Neises on phone
woman looking at a course on her computer

Dementia Education Workshops

Dementia Care Workshops, for a small investment, you can walk away with new confidence and resources to tackle your challenges in interacting and caring for those living with dementia. 


Rayna's Book

No Regrets: Hope for Your Caregiving Season shares Rayna Neises’ personal heart-warming stories and practical suggestions for journeying through one’s caregiving season.

As people age, so do their loved ones. The healthy integration of caring for an aging parent requires being able to walk them all the way to the end of their life while still having a life to walk back into. No Regrets helps caregivers consider how being intentional in their season of caring will allow them to care for their loved one well while at the same time not losing themselves in the caring.

No Regrets

Content Magazine

Content magazine is for you….

  • if you feel you are losing yourself in your caregiving season.
  • if you know you need to laugh and have down time.
  • if you aren’t sure how to hold on to your faith in this season of life.

Deb, a caregiver for her mom, says, “Grab your favorite beverage and find a quiet space, then escape into this beautiful, soul-filled collection of stories, articles, activities and tips. You will be inspired and encouraged, as I was….and get what you need to step back into your caregiving refreshed.”

Regret-free Resources Access

Rayna Neises
Rayna Neises

Ways Rayna Can Help in Your Caregiving Season


Support Groups

Join a free support group that meets through video conference each month.

Gather with other daughters who are in a Season of Caring to transparently share joys & struggles.  Find understanding, support and encouragement as you journey this season together.

woman on her computer during a support group meeting

Individual Coaching

Coaching brings support, hope and often a new perspective. Feeling stuck and overwhelmed? You will be able to process all that’s entailed in caring for an aging parent while juggling your career, family and self-care. Gaining a new perspective, discovering new options, and developing a plan can make all the difference.

Rayna Neises

Dementia Education Workshops

Dementia Care Workshops, for a small investment, you can walk away with new confidence and resources to tackle your challenges in interacting and caring for those living with dementia. 


woman looking at a course on her computer

Regret-free Resources Access

Rayna Neises
Rayna Neises
Embracing Contentment:

Embracing Contentment:

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength. ...

Contact Rayna

Contact Rayna

Rayna Neises: A Season of Caring